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Our Blog June 13, 2023

Anatomy of website URL

Writen by Thistle media

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Anatomy of website URL

A website URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique address that identifies a particular webpage on the internet. It is made up of several parts that identify the protocol, domain name, path, and optional parameters. Here is a breakdown of the anatomy of a website URL:

Protocol: The protocol is the method used to transmit data from the website server to the user’s web browser. The most common protocols are HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol). The protocol is usually the first part of a URL, followed by a colon and two forward slashes.

Domain Name: The domain name is the name of the website. It is typically preceded by “www.” and followed by a top-level domain (TLD), such as “.com”, “.org”, or “.net”. The domain name is usually the second part of a URL, after the protocol.

Path: The path refers to the location of a specific page or resource on the website. It follows the domain name and is separated from it by a forward slash. The path can include multiple subdirectories, each separated by additional forward slashes.

Parameters: Optional parameters may be included in a URL to provide additional information about a resource or to specify how it should be displayed. Parameters are separated from the path by a question mark and can include key-value pairs, each separated by an equals sign and with multiple parameters separated by an ampersand.

Here is an example of a URL and its parts:


Protocol: https
Domain Name: www.example.com
Path: /path/to/resource
Parameters: id=123, sort=desc

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